An Asian-Canadian's traveling saga & literary tidbit
Life's contentment is not about sitting around in one's familiar place, but rather it is realized from far-flung places away from it. Traveling is my ultimate life's saga.

The city is a masterpiece in itself - Rome, Italy (3)

Relatively speaking - during our city exploration that day, I was practically torn between being hypnotically fixated to a stunning piece of architecture I was seeing and having to reluctantly drag my feet away to see the next one.

walking along the cobblestone street of Rome
(cont'd...) You see, Rome by many accounts is equally great or could even surpass other cities in terms of the quantity of ancient attractions. In Rome, I bet I have seen more relics of its history per square area of the city as compare to other European cities, that I enjoyed and shed more calories walking around its numerous cobblestone paths than I had with my afternoon jog in a local park; even more so because of the sheer knowledge that we were in the middle of once most politically ambitious and influential city on the face of Earth - whose remnants of its glory are right before our mesmerised eyes.
each sculpture, a masterpiece
With all honesty, seeing the colosseum and Saint Peter Square was all I ever wanted to experience primarily in Rome. In fact, both are the only ones I used to epitomize Rome of when I was in grade school. As all other tourists who've been here before me could attest, this is such a remarkable city. From mimes, buskers, to artists; and those magnificent ruins, great architectures; and enthralling fountains, they are truly treasures of history that Italians should be proud of. Relatively speaking - during our city exploration that day, I was practically torn between being hypnotically fixated to a stunning piece of architecture I was    seeing and having to reluctantly drag my feet away to see the next one.
      street-artist's rendition of talent
  Looking from a distance, with the colosseum's view partly covered by well-trimmed humongous Roman pine trees along wide street leading to it - I could almost hear and imagine the clump of tapping sandals by Roman populace rushing into the colosseum getting ready to witness together the Emperor Caligula's once-horrific and -bloody spectacle pastime. But of course, with all high-imagination set aside, it was all these over-eager tourists walking past each other to see the magnificent colosseum close-up and first-hand!  
As far as the likes of  individual who earn a living strutting their talents off of the streets of Rome, man, they're impressive! I actually had to stop in one of the streets just to see an artist - with a 6'x6' paper laid on a pedestrian lane, sketching in charcoal a scene of gladiator-fighting, and beside him were scattered coins probably thrown in out of appreciation to the artist; the enigmatically all-white and fully-shrouded mime who had the most disciplined and robotic movement I've seen, to the point of being nearly freaky; and how can I forget our encounter with the brawny Roman soldier? Who - at mere five Euros, can unbelievably be cooperative at any photo opportunity he can be at.
         goofing among ourselves
Inside his rich ancient army attire, coupled with a squinted look coming from his eyes and his sun-burnt complexion - myself, being relatively 'un-army-like', 'emaciated', and short wouldn't dare challenge him for a sword fight, ha ha! In other words, I only had to settle for a picture taking with him, ha ha! TO BE CONTINUED.

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Although the author has no professional writing credential nor an all-embracing traveling experience, it is the inspiration drawn out from lives surrounding him as well as sharing his works with readers that make him enthused about writing; his occasional travel - often spontaneous, inspires him to pen such adventure. He currently lives in western Canada with his wife. ***COPYRIGHT TO ENTRIES RESERVED EXCEPT OTHERWISE INDICATED***
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